I found this article to be difficult for me to read. I had trouble getting into the article. I did like a few points that the authors made in this article. In my service learning project" I have found it to be very rewarding and I am really enjoying this experience.
"Educators and legislators alike maintain that service learning can improve the community and invigorate the classroom, providing rich educational experiences for students at all levels of schooling". I like this quote. The service learning program isn't just a great experience for the people going into the classroom it's also a great experience for the kids in the classroom. Everyone in the service learning program has the potential to make a difference in a childs life. The service learning program is a very helpful program. I feel like in my experience with the service learning program I am making a difference.
"Others argue that educators may miss important opportunities if they disconnect the act of service from a critical examination ofthe setting in which it occurs". I agree! This program is a good oppurtunity to get hands on experience with different types of kids. It would be a shame to disconnect this service program.
"The idea that educators should foster a volunteer ethic and encourage youths to give something back to their school or community currently receives widespread support" Being a part of this program shows the younger kids the importance of volunteering. Being able to help someone else is a great feeling. Being able to make a difference in someones life is an amazing feeling. This program gives you the opurtunity to have this experience.
In class I would like to talk more about the importance of the service learning project.
Here is some more information about the service learning project
I like the quotes you picked and thought you did a good job of explaining how you felt about them.
ReplyDeleteI like the quotes that you used and for my blog I also did quotes and also had the first one you had.