Sunday, October 10, 2010

Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us (argument)

 This author Linda Christensen argues that watcing cartoons and disney movies teach children to be racist at an early age. "The impact of racism begins early. Even in our preschool years, we are exposed to misformation about people different from ourselves". Linda Christensen wants her students to realize the sterotypes in these kid movies and point out to them that kids start learning these things at an early age.
  "The young pretty ones only want to hook their man; the old pretty ones are mean because they are losing their looks." "Kenneth noticed that people of color and poor people are either absent or servants to the rich, white, pretty people"

   Linda Christensen argues that children are being exposed to these specific stereotypes at such a young age. That every beautiful girl with find her handsome prince and live happily ever after. These movies dont show what happens to the average looking person. Christensen that you should point out the specific stereotypes in these children movies. So, that you can become aware of them. Children may sometimes unconciously absorbing these particular sterotypes in these fairy tale movies.

  In class I would like to talk more about how we as teachers can help students realize that they don't have to be exactally like the people they see on tv.

   Aladin "a whole new world" I love this song and I love Aladin. I after reading this article I realized that looking at this cliping of a disney movie a young child might say to their self I wish I could be a beautiful princess and have a handsome prince sweep me off my feet. And this is what Linda Christensen talks about in her article.


  1. I love this movie to!!!! You are right when you discuss the lyrics of the song, and the underlining meaning!!!!

  2. Anne! I love how you used Aladdin Your so right! Guess I won't find true love...I'm not a princess! nonsense.

    I feel like breaking out the Disney VHS's. :)

  3. This article made me want to rewatch all my old favorite Disney movies too! I'm just afraid once I watch them again I will end up analyzing them negatively and not like them anymore.
